Even though you previously set out to learn to scuba dive and have achieved scuba diving certification, Blue Water Divers has a way for you to reinforce your diving skills. Perhaps you are a new diver who completed your training dives recently, but haven’t been diving since. You’d like to plan a dive vacation, but would like to be reminded of the basics of diving—setting up the equipment, practicing neutral buoyancy, etc... If you are a certified diver who hasn’t been diving in quite some time—a year or two perhaps. Your option is to Re-activate. There is an online course, which serves as an academic review for you. Then off to the pool with one of our staff to go over skills like buoyancy, mask clearing, etc. You'll get a decal signed and dated by the PADI professional who worked with you. This lets anyone who needs to know that you are refreshed and confident in your scuba skills.
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