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NEWS Read all our scuba diving related posts.

New Reef Friendly Procducts

So proud to announce that we are now selling All Good, Reef Safe Skin products--We have testers in-store so you can try it for yourself. A little more about All Good. Every year millions of people wade into beautiful water bodies around the world, from […]

Discover Scuba Feb 27, 2019

Discover Scuba on Feb 27, 2019 went great. Looking forward to having some of these students in our certification courses soon. If you would like to sign up click on getting certified.  If you would like to see the rest of the pictures click here. 

Discover Scuba Feb 2, 2019

Discover Scuba courses are amazing to see if you would like to get certified. Look how much fun these guys had trying out breathing under the water. If you would like to see more pictures click on this link to see our gallery. 

Ramapo Students

Ramapo College of New Jersey We teach a great group of students at Ramapo College every year. We have great infsturctors and Dive master help out with the course. Click on this link to see more pictures. If you are a Ramapo Student call us for […]